RedSieve - The Data Management Company
We extract data. We scrub data. We structure data. We stream data. We filter data. We consolidate data. We analyze data. We manage data.
Data Fusion Platform

Seamlessly merge data from disparate data sources in a variety of formats, thus giving you a holistic picture of your domain.

Realtime Data Streaming

Harvest and collect events from a variety of sources in realtime. Respond to events in realtime or use the data for offline analysis and research

E-Commerce Solutions

RedSieve provides an array of solutions to e-commerce companies in the realms of product search and discovery. catalog quality, business intelligence, data collection and analytics

Big Data Consulting

Want something custom? Just contact us!

Our Cloud Strategy

Our products and solutions are designed to work on both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). RedSieve can host and manage solutions for you, thus saving you the hassle of managing infrastructure. We can also deploy our solutions and products on your cloud accounts as well. And finally, we can work with you to ensure our technology is deployed and runs on your in-house infrastructure as well.